assume a "butchiness" or uncanny "captor" quality, but by all means by the very best of who you are. As in the gay male's existence, the gay female runs quite a varied spectrum..

quality denied most straight women. This masculine quality envelopes a world where she "asserts" her presence and worth, let alone her love. In her existence she is both dogged as a ram and as gentle as a lamb. No doubt the most likely place for cruising is your favorite gay bar. The clientele of quite a few of Cleveland's gay bars are looking or waiting and fairly even in sexual distribution. If you are serious about cruising everything you say and do will determine who you interest and whom interests you. Needless to say what you wear is always a revelation about who you are and who you may like. I've found that saying little while seriously cruising intrigues another woman more so than idle chitchat. Now remember words are Anyone can craftily cruise in few, an intent stare replaces a both gay and straight environs. whole paragraph. Be extremely The gay environment in fact is sharp, know who is where and less of a gamble but the non-gay do So undetected. A smart atmosphere creates somewhat women is never too interested or of a romantic fear and thrill. easy!!! Never appear to be a lost With the gay woman we are little girl even if you have never dealing with a sexy, unpredicbeen where you are, it is importable, and cunning being. A gay tant to appear to be dauntless female strives for the best of two yet approachable and better yet worlds, first, the well known if you are. Do not rush into feminine quality that is inborn. anything you always have Some of us may deny this tomorrow. Be selective and femininity outwardly by obvious never think less of a prospective dress and action. And yet others partner than you think of yourthrive on this feminine quality self. Primarily be honest with and never waive. Secondly, the yourself, are you interested in gay female masters a masculine relationship potential or simply

Are you looking? Or more so have you looked? Better yet do you know how and where to look? In our gay lifestyle this looking is more commonly referred to as cruising. Cruising is a gay habit usually associated with gay males. Herein, I will deal with the gay woman's version of cruising. One may primarily ask do gay women cruise, I say very astutely "Yes." The gay woman can be very discreet or she can be cheerfully blatant. The woman in question may certainly chose either and or anything in between. With the cruising intent most gay womer must possess some semblance of aggressiveness, unless of course you prefer to be cruised. By aggressive one need not

SWING Into Spring


out defenseless make a young lady." This honesty may make or break your evening. Know who you are before you present yourself to a stranger. Know what you like and what you do not. There is a great big world with more gay women in it


than we will ever know.

"For those of you who have never looked I hope you look, for those of you who do not need to," I celebrate you". To those of you waiting, the best of luck. To all of you, love your women with all your heart!"

Radio Free Lambda

10 pm Every Monday on WRUW-FM 91.1

April 11

hear the talk given by Father John


about gays & the church Coming: Interview with David Kopay

American Disco

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